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Are you ready to transform all areas of your life?
Are you ready to really experience what it means to thrive?
Do you desire to:
- Reach your ideal weight naturally, without starving?
- Experience restful sleep, beautiful clear skin and sparkling eyes?
- Deepen your connection with your body and your soul?
I’ve been there, yearning to heal and spark deep change.
And I found the missing piece to the puzzle.
Eating a plant-rich diet that’s high in raw and living food awakens every cell of your being to greater awareness, elevates your consciousness, profoundly transforming your entire life.
Nourishing your body, feeding your soul
As your vitality increases, so does your alignment with your own divinity and sense of purpose. Your intuition heightens. You feel more radiant, alive, and connected to life. And—this is really important—you build the momentum you need to continue to expand and grow.
You’re busy, you travel, time’s scarce—I get it. Eating raw can work with any lifestyle. I did it. My clients do it. Thousands of people around the globe eat raw. Think about it. All of those people healing, enlivening, transforming with every bite they take.
An integrative approach
My approach is practical, compassionate, non-judgmental, and intuitive. I’m passionate about health and healing and have an innate understanding of how to meet you where you are and support your next steps.
We’ll work together to achieve your desired results. You will receive the energetic support to help you to create a healthy relationship with food, clearing limiting beliefs and blockages that may have interfered with this in the past.
You are what you eat
There are many ways to achieve personal transformation. And, in my experience, the deepest transformation starts with the cells. Think of it this way: lower density food maintains and attracts lower density thoughts, feelings, emotions, and energies. High-vibe foods nourish and cleanse you on every level of your being. You can taste the life in every bite and literally feel it in your cells.
Join the Consciously Raw community
Fill in your name and e-mail address in the box at the upper right-hand corner of this page and you will receive the following gifts:
- 3-Day Essential Raw Transformation Program to help you experience the benefits that a few small changes can make in every area your life
- Twice-monthly inspiration—articles, recipes and information to support your journey home to YOU
- Advanced notice of new products and services with special members’ savings.
Buy the book
Whether you’re new on the path and not sure where to start or an old pro in need of inspiration, grab a copy of my book, Essential Green Smoothies.
You’ll find 52 delicious, beautifully-illustrated recipes to help you begin making small changes right away – or to expand your current repertoire.
Private and Group Coaching
Ready to dive right in? E-mail me and together we’ll determine if we’re a good fit to work together.