About Cancer

Over the last several weeks, three of my friends have been diagnosed with cancer. This life-threatening disease is rampant and I feel very strongly that it doesn’t have to be this way.

We all have cancer cells in our bodies. It is only when our internal environment becomes hospitable towards these cells that they begin to proliferate and make us ill.

Since I’m all about prevention, I thought I would share with you three simple things you can do to support a more balanced internal terrain.

  1. carrotsReduce stress – Stress acidifies and body and an acidic body is the perfect environment for disease to thrive. Some of my favorite things to do to help reduce stress include deep breathing into the body, spending time outside in nature, exercise, listening to soothing music, taking a relaxing bath, massage, eating well and using aromatherapy. The plant essences in pure essential oils are especially healing – physically, emotionally and spiritually.
  2. Be clear in your boundaries – Relationships can either be life-supporting or draining. As my young niece reminded me recently, sometimes dear friends will want to pull us into their dramas. You may not have realized this before, but you are not obligated to engage in that dance, nor does it serve your highest interest to do so. Every day we are teaching people how we wish to be treated. If we repeatedly fail to honor our own wishes and desires, it can lead to resentment. On an energetic level, resentment feeds disease, especially cancer. So, if there is anything that you are resentful about, it would serve you well to do some forgiveness work. Remember that we all do the best we can at any given time and having compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and others is very important.
  3. Clean up your diet – Remove chemical- and preservative-laden foods that have been genetically modified and/or loaded with high-fructose corn syrup from your pantry and from your diet. Avoid caffeine, hormone-laden dairy products (raw milk and raw milk cheese are a much better choice if you prefer not to eliminate these) and factory farmed meat. Eat a high percentage of fresh organic vegetables and fruit, sprouts, sprouted seeds and nuts. Vegetables and fruit alkalize the body and cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Remember, if you want to feel vibrant and alive, eat food that is brimming with life!

In a nutshell, when you change your internal terrain, the body in its infinite wisdom, has an amazing ability to repair itself. Of course if you’re already ill, be sure to also seek appropriate medical advice while using the suggestions above as an adjunct to your regimen.

Ultimately I believe that it is up to each of us to take responsibility for our own health. It is much easier to begin changing our habits to ones that support life when we are reasonably healthy rather than waiting until we are medically diagnosed with an illness. Consider making at least one healthy change today. You’re worth it!.

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What They’re Saying

Teddy and Ryan "Since your class, we've been eating raw and LOVING it! I spend half the time “cooking” and the food is so much fresher and tastier. I've already made the Pesto, Banana Bread, Flax Crackers, Almond Milk, and several other recipes in addition to straight away adding a dehydrator and spiralizer to my kitchen tools. We've both come to the realization that the 30 second gratification of eating a burger doesn't come close to making up for the feeling afterward. Not to mention, we both agree we have not given up any taste what-so-ever and eating/“cooking” has become fun again (we're BOTH actually in the kitchen now at the same time). ...Thank you for such a wonderful class and for re-inspiring my husband and me."

—Teddy Sternagel
Issaquah, WA


Eric Dowsett "Few people are completely 'holistic' in their approach to healthy living. Madeline has combined many skills and a deep understanding of the nature of how we function and now adds raw 'food lifestyle' to her amazing repertoire to offer a truly 'holistic' approach to health and well-being."

— Eric Dowsett
Workshop Leader