Living Peacefully in “Interesting Times”

Whoever coined the phrase “may you live in interesting times” appears to have gotten their wish. The events occurring in our world right now could easily be called “interesting,” although I have heard (and used) other more colorful language to describe some of what’s going on in our wacky world right now.

Now don’t get me wrong, change can be a very positive thing, especially when it’s approached consciously. After all, change is part of life, and so it’s a given. I just prefer my change served up with a side of grace and ease, if you get my drift.

So, how do we stay balanced, peaceful and even thrive amidst the chaos of our changing world? Here are some of the strategies that have helped me.

As old structures in the collective consciousness like fear and prejudice are being illuminated we are being offered an opportunity to identify any remnants of these that may be lurking within our own being, so they can be transformed into something more positive. Not everyone is on board with this idea quite yet, and those who do have the awareness know that these old fear-based structures, habited patterns and actions require attention and diligence to transform them.

One analogy that comes to mind is how the cells of our body are programmed with a lifespan. When that lifespan is over, the cells die and are replaced with new cells. The nourishment we take in provides the fuel for these new cells. So, it’s crucial that we offer them the finest raw material possible.

Make food choices that support life

This speaks to the power of food, which has been a pivotal transformational teacher for me personally. I have seen first-hand how what we consume can either support or sabotage us. When we consume food that causes stress in the body, it reduces our capacity to handle the inevitable stress in our lives. Conversely, the opposite is true. Support the body with food that detoxifies and nourishes it, and you will be rewarded with the ability to navigate life’s ups and downs in a much more peaceful state.

Consume media wisely

It’s important to also consider the media and information we are consuming. While I believe it’s more important than ever to stay informed and take a stand for those things we believe in, it can be far too easy to go down the rabbit hole and get sucked into the various perceived injustices that may resonate within us. It’s pretty difficult to affect positive change from that place, so my suggestion is to do your best to not go there.

Meditate, express gratitude and reflect

Starting your day with some quiet reflection time to express gratitude and do some conscious, deep breathing into the body will absolutely make a huge difference the amount of peace you feel throughout the day.

These actions, while simple, have the ability to yield tremendous results. Give them a try and let me know how it goes.

May your heart be filled with peace.

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Essential Green Smoothies

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What They’re Saying

"Thanks again, the class was great. So many wonderful recipes! I will be watching the granola video and making notes. My daughters enjoyed it as well. It was great to be able to have them hear about raw food and taste wonderful creations from someone other than me! In fact I made a green smoothie for them this morning and they both enjoyed it. Before your class they would have balked. Now we have several recipes that they would like me to make."

— Donna Thoen
Abbotsford, BC


Rena Ashmall "Madeline's passion for raw food translates into an ability to simplify the complexities of all the choices associated with raw foods. And even better, she does that while making it look like fun!"

— Rena Ashmall
Veyo, UT


Kati Peters & Al Miller "Madeline is a true teacher and cares deeply for Mother Earth and those who share it. She is passionate in her love of raw food and shares her enthusiasm with those who seek her wisdom."

— Kati Peters & Al Miller
Sammamish, WA