Conscious beauty – finally a non-toxic hair healing solution!

Ah, beauty. We women (and men to a lesser extent) often go to great lengths to ensure that we are in alignment with society’s idea of what it means to look our best regardless of what’s involved. The impossible standard we’ve bought into is pretty stunning. And, while the beauty industry realizes this, it has done little to address a major concern – toxic ingredients in hair dye!

Permanent hair dye works by stripping the color out of the hair and inserting coal tar dye and other toxic ingredients, many of which are unregulated known carcinogens. Not only do these toxic chemicals enter our bodies through our skin and scalp, but we also inhale them during the application process. Now multiply that exposure for hairdressers and the chance of illness increases exponentially.

And what about all of those toxic chemicals that get washed down the drain? Where do you suppose that water ends up? Not good!

Fortunately there is now a solution! It’s called Hairprint, invented by Dr. John Warner, a “green” chemist. Made of eight food-grade ingredients, this stuff has no aroma and is so pure you could theoretically eat it, although I’m thinking that it wouldn’t be all that flavorful.


Hairprint works by mimicking how hair gets its natural color in the first place and is currently available for brown and black hair. Apologies to the blondes and redheads. This product won’t help you right now but they are currently working on a formula for you so take heart. The color responsible for all brown and black hair is eumelanin, which is a variation of the melanin pigment that is responsible for the color of your skin and eyes. The reason Hairprint looks so natural on your hair is because it is natural.

Over the years I have grown content with my increasing amount of grey locks because I was unwilling to use toxic products. Since that is no longer an issue, I decided to give it a try. You can see the results for yourself in the “before” and “after” photos here:

HairprintBeforeV3-sm   HairprintAfterV3-sm

I only recommend products that I personally have experienced and I’m thrilled with the results. My hair feels really soft and natural and, personally, I think it looks great.

 You can learn more, and watch videos of Dr. Warner as well as a “how to” demonstration, Q & A’s and ordering information here.

 Enjoy your new look!

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Essential Green Smoothies

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What They’re Saying

Charley Thweatt "Madeline, the food you prepared was eye-opening. That granola is truly alive! As I munched it during my drive to Oregon, it tingled with energy. It's like a healthy version of caffeine. Truly amazing. Thanks for that new understanding."

— Charley Thweatt
Workshop Leader


Eric Klos "I have had the privilege of being Madeline Eyer's chiropractor for the past several years. I have always enjoyed her passion for spiritual growth and natural health. Her interest in raw food has not only developed into some very tasty and nutritious dishes, but also objective physiological changes. Since Madeline has been incorporating a raw food regime into her life, I have noticed significant increases in flexibility and suppleness of her musculature and joint range of motion. Simply put, her tissues feel younger. I would highly recommend anyone to take her raw foods classes so that they too can experience the health benefits that I have seen in her and other patients on a raw food diet."

— Eric Klos,
Kirkland, WA
Moss Bay Health Center