Don’t Swallow That Sh*t
This post was conceived from the edgy title of a talk I am giving at an event next month. It stemmed from the idea that food is a metaphor for what feeds us and everything we simply swallow, like it or not.
For decades I’ve been “stirring the pot” in a variety of ways. It began, quite literally, in the kitchen when I was a kid. Thankfully, blowing up my mom’s pressure cooker while she was in the hospital and spewing tomato sauce all over the ceiling wasn’t a deterrent and I continued to experiment in the kitchen and beyond. (Apologies to my dad who I seem to recall had to wash the ceiling).
Later I could be found concocting my own flower essences and conjuring up intuitive blends of essential oils for family and friends. They were intended for healing and restoring balance minus any nasty side effects.
The more I explored and learned, the more I began to question so-called authority and what was being fed to me as true in other areas of my life as well. And what I learned pretty much went against everything I was being taught.
When the medical system failed to offer me relief for a serious case of childhood eczema, it inspired me to take matters into my own hands and look for alternatives. That was the beginning of my self-empowerment around health care and questioning the mainstream paradigm. It was a valuable lesson indeed and one for which I am extremely grateful. Today, at age 59, I am delighted to share that I remain free from the current medical system and its offerings, which are generally designed to treat symptoms rather than determine the root cause of an illness and bring about healing. In most cases, given what it needs to support the process, the body has an innate intelligence and ability to heal itself.
Likewise, the god of my Roman Catholic upbringing brought me no comfort. This punishing deity didn’t seem like such a nice guy, and the teachings that were rammed down our throats by well-intentioned priests and nuns were steeped in guilt and shame. Although this was undoubtedly a great way to achieve compliance, it felt misaligned with what I knew on some level was true and I wanted no part of it.
In addition to these major foundations that were being shaken at the core, similar concepts continue to permeate the planet in the most insidious of ways – from the advertisements telling us we need this or that beauty product to be more attractive, to the food companies that ply us with terms like “natural” and “healthy” when in reality their products are anything but. Then there are the pharmaceutical companies who tell us about their new pill for this or that ailment but the list of side effects is far worse than the dis-sease they are intended to treat. And the list goes on.
My passion around food stems from my deep knowing that it is a catalyst for great change. The way I now nourish my body continues to support me in ways that I never imagined possible, offering clarity and direction minus any interference caused by toxic overload. Eating well, combined with exercise, meditation and conscious deep breathing has made all the difference in my life and it can do the same for you if you choose it. It helps you to get more in touch with you – the real YOU that has a refined bullsh*t meter and is unwilling to swallow a bunch of crap — the YOU that has appropriate boundaries and doesn’t take on projects or agree to things you’d prefer not to do, leading to resentment and burnout.
What have you been swallowing? Is it time to spit it out? I’m here to support you.
Consider this your invitation to take your diet and your life to the next level. If you’re serious about moving forward please contact me to learn more.