Unleash Your Raw Power!

So many of us go through our days on autopilot, eating whatever is quick and easy without a thought about how our choices might be affecting us. This results in us being well-fed but not very well-nourished, which can in turn lead to disease and deep disconnection.

Food can be an extremely “charged” topic for many of us. It is often used as comfort to fill a deeper unnamed void we feel, as we’ve disconnected further and further from the awareness of our true divine nature.

An athletic woman performing a kick in a sand beachWith the possible rare exception of breatharians, we all must eat. And the more we pay attention to our choices instead of mindlessly popping morsels into our mouths, the better off we are – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

As we become more conscious of how we nurture ourselves and make choices that support life, we begin to feel more and more vitality, joy and zest for life.

Eating a diet that is high in raw and living plant-based organic food nourishes the body and feeds the soul in ways that must be felt to be fully appreciated. Rather than working hard to digest what is often highly-processed chemical-laden material masquerading as food, with raw and living food the body has more energy available to repair and replenish itself, often creating freedom from things like emotional turmoil, painful physical conditions, and excess weight in the process. This, to me, is just the icing on the proverbial cake (raw of course).

The more you love and nurture yourself in this way, the more your heart energy is unleashed to expand into all areas of your life. This is where the magic really kicks in. And, as your vitality increases, so does your alignment with your own divinity and life purpose. Your intuition heightens and you feel more radiant, alive, and connected to life. And you have the energy and clarity to continue to make positive changes.

In short, once you say YES to life, life says YES to YOU and begins to unfold in miraculous ways where everything you need for your next steps is right there waiting for you to claim. This way of nourishing your body and soul provides a doorway that will support you beyond your wildest imaginings.

Are you ready to transform your life to one of joy and vibrancy? If so, contact me and I’ll help you get started right away.


Essential Sauces, Dips, & Dressings

Now available! Click here to learn more and buy your copy.


Essential Green Smoothies

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What They’re Saying

Charley Thweatt "Madeline, the food you prepared was eye-opening. That granola is truly alive! As I munched it during my drive to Oregon, it tingled with energy. It's like a healthy version of caffeine. Truly amazing. Thanks for that new understanding."

— Charley Thweatt
Workshop Leader


Eric Klos "I have had the privilege of being Madeline Eyer's chiropractor for the past several years. I have always enjoyed her passion for spiritual growth and natural health. Her interest in raw food has not only developed into some very tasty and nutritious dishes, but also objective physiological changes. Since Madeline has been incorporating a raw food regime into her life, I have noticed significant increases in flexibility and suppleness of her musculature and joint range of motion. Simply put, her tissues feel younger. I would highly recommend anyone to take her raw foods classes so that they too can experience the health benefits that I have seen in her and other patients on a raw food diet."

— Eric Klos,
Kirkland, WA
Moss Bay Health Center